Archive for the ‘Police Detective Investigator’ Category

Police Detective Investigator

6 de June de 2009

Police Investigator
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Researcher of the Special Operations Group (GOE) da Polícia Civil de São Paulo Investigador Police is the agent of the authority practice acts of police repression and external ostensible expertise.
It is a deprivation of career Judicial Police (Civil Police is the state or the federal police). Because the assignment to perform acts investigatórios the Judicial Police, the researcher is that the civil police, actually, just having the most contact with the criminal offenses before, during and after their achievements.

Used by most state police officers, the Police Investigator name is replaced in some states the name of Police Inspector and should not be confused with the inspectors Road, head office of the Federal Highway Police, and with the municipal inspectors, office managers the Municipal Civil Guards.
Some police forces, particularly the federal police, using the terminology of police officers as a synonym for Investigator of Police, with the exception of the Police Civil São Paulo, where the agent differs from Police Investigator Police and is to perform the function of assigning police driver.

The career of Police Research is through changes, and as more mitigating avoid the use of uniforms or uniform, exclusive of overt police, thus limiting the Police Investigator to work on your letter: the criminal investigation.

The Police Investigator is a special figure in the tables of organization Civil Police, and its actions very important, even decisive, in the Judicial Police, as it is for him the task of raising the means of proof, bringing them to the file the police investigation.