Archive for the ‘GONE’ Category

My Husband is gone … GONE!

10 de November de 2011

In a duty of any police station anywhere in the world …!

Woman: My husband is gone!
Officer: What is his height?
Woman: I never asked what was his height
Officer: He is thin, it’s healthy?
Woman: It’s not too skinny … I think it’s healthy …

Officer: What color are his eyes?
Women: Light brown or greenish … I never paid much attention
Officer: And hair color?
Woman: The color of his hair changes with the sun as he picks up
Officer: What was he wearing?
Women’s: Suit, or maybe something more casual, I did not see when he left
Police: Was anyone with him?
Woman: Yes, my dog​​! … A Labrador named Calvin, tied to a golden collar, height 80 cm, healthy, beautiful blue eyes, brown almost black by the nail of his left thumb was chipped a little, he never barks, also was wearing a beautiful golden outfit with blue balls he does not like vegetarian food, we eat together, we run together, we are often alone there, side by side, making a company to another
and the woman began to cry
Officer: OK. Let’s look for the first dog!

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