Archive for the ‘Man’ Category

50 reasons why I like to be a man

11 de June de 2009

01. A journey of five days requires only a backpack.
02. Telephone conversations in just 30 seconds or less.
03. No queues for the bathroom.
04. You can open the lids of the pots.
05. When walking by the TV channels, you need not stop when you see someone crying.
06. All your orgasms are real.
07. You do not have to carry a bag full of stuff up and go down.
08. You can go to the bathroom without a support group.
09. If your work is criticized, you is not thinking that everyone hates you.
10. You save time and money washing the clothes of 3 in 3 weeks.
11. Sex does not leave you worried about your reputation.
12. If someone forgets to invite you to something, is just an oversight, and no evidence that hate you.
13. You do not have to shave below the neck.
14. None of your co-workers has the power to make you cry.
15. If you are 34 years and is single, nobody cares or makes comments
16. Chocolate is a food like any other.
17. Flowers solve everything.
18. You do not have to worry about ‘hurt feelings’ of others or lie to each call made.
19. You can park in places that are less than 2.5 times the length of your car.
20. Ana Maria Braga does not exist in your world ..
21. The magazine ‘Caras’ does not exist in your universe.
22. You have no compulsion to get your whole house in 15 seconds when someone rings the bell.
23. The mechanics tell you the truth.
24. You’re giving a shit if anyone realizes it or not you cut your hair.
25. If you’re watching a game with your friend and he is the most absolute silence for 45 minutes, because the game is good, not because he is not talking to you.
26. The world is your urinal. (truth..)
27. You do not depends on your spouse to set the VCR.
28. Wax and their private parts are always at a respectable distance.
29. White hair and wrinkles add charm.
30. Nobody is looking at your chest when talking.
31. You have a perfectly normal relationship with his mother.
32. You can buy condoms without the clerk made that guy from ‘X-ray vision’.
33. If you say you will call a friend and you do not make that call, relax buddy, He is not whining, and others do not form a committee to solve the problem.
34. You have no fear of old age.
35. You do not have to dispense with an opportunity to have sex.
36. Porn films are designed specifically for your mind.
37. You do not have to remember the birthdays of marriage and birth of the world.
38. Tue dislike it does not prevent you from having sex with her. .
39. When you are with friends, you know you will not face the phrase ‘So, is noticing something different about me? “.
40. Your friends do not require talking about without having to talk.
41. The continuity of the universe does not depend on the bed linen be
changed every day.
42. Have belly does not prevent you from using shirt.
43. You have fun with politically incorrect listings on the Internet that let them foam with rage.
44. When they do list a skunk men, you also have fun.
45. You do not have a faint if you think the cover-up of private and that it is down to you simply raises.
46. For more filthy you are, take a shower and get it fully out takes just 7 minutes.
47. You do not have to try 9 dresses to choose to exit 1.
48. You know when a tire broke.
49. And a flat tire did not put in absolute panic waiting for the Apocalypse now.
50. Do you have a scrotum to scratch.